Grain Isn't Bad For Cattle???

I want to say, we deeply appreciate your ongoing support and engagement. Your word-of-mouth recommendations, likes, shares, and purchases all make a tremendous difference to our brand new small business. If you have any questions or simply want to chat further, please don't hesitate to reach out. I am always here to connect with you!
Now for the meat & potatoes.
Grain isn't bad for cattle? 
Grain is not bad for cattle. Cattle in the wild would encounter and consume whole grains on the stalk of the plant without human intervention. 
But- there are two things I'd like to point out-
One: what are we losing by eating grain finished vs grass fed & finished? Take a look at just some of the incredible benefits offered by choosing grass fed & finished beef.
Two: one of my foundational principles is regenerative agriculture and being a steward of the land. By grazing our animals on our abundant pasture, we are fortifying the land. The established pasture requires disturbance and manure from the cows to maintain a diversity of insect species and a deep root system that stores carbon.
Think of a pasture like a house. (Shocking analogy, I know.) The soil is your foundation. The grasses are the walls. The sun and rain are the roof. The cows that live in the pasture are the homeowners who run the heat and AC and maintain the foundation and put in the love that it takes to make the house a home. If the homeowners move out, then the home deteriorates until it all comes crashing down. 
If we move the cows out of the pasture and put them on grain to get them fat, then we aren't adding natural fertilizer to the soil, to feed the grasses, to be able to withstand our rainy Maryland spring and fall and our blazing hot summers. It's a tiny circle of life.
I realized what a difference grazing the cows makes to my pastures in late winter. Every field that was grazed into early winter turned green and started growing two weeks sooner & stronger than my precious hay pastures that I take so much care to leave undisturbed to grow a great crop of hay. 
In addition to the regenerative benefits of grass fed beef- I'm so fortunate to have the land to support these incredible animals and they are soooooo happy to live in pastures. Take a look at our videos on social media to see how rambunctious these cows get to move to new grass!
If you're ready to eat better beef, take a gander at our online store- we can't wait to fill your freezer!
Curtis, Maryanne, & Family
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